Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Capitalism Is Dead

“The problem with socialism is that you eventually, run out of other people’s money.” - Margaret Thatcher

Never could this be said better. If you are not on planet earth let me give you a quick couple facts on current events.

Tax on wealthy over 250K per year are going to enjoy a tax increase of 3 percent.
Charitable deductions.... Sorry not deductible..... Instead of helping those in need, Help the government.

Obama stated the following "There are going to be some tough decisions ahead in order to cut the deficit and balance the budget. So instead of the charities receiving FREE money from its citizens, it wants to tax the generous persons income instead of them donating it to charities. Don't get me wrong, Donate to charity. Just don't expect a tax break.

The five largest banks in America are owned in part by the government. 2 of the 3 largest automobile manufactures are partially owned by the government. And the biggy....AIG is 80 percent owned by the government.

This is just a tid bit of what the government has done to control everything. Healthcare is soon to come. Be ready.... You who work will be paying for it. Those of you not working...dont' worry. The workers will take care of your healthcare as well.
Capitalism is what made America GREAT. I guess all good things come to an end.

Obama Asks GM CEO To Step Down

President Obama asks Rick Wagoner to step down as CEO of the General Motors Corporation. President Obama stated that the company did not take enough drastic measures to ensure future success. So he felt compelled to have the CEO step dowm. Shortly after he stated the following" The government does not want to manage or lead GM." I don't know about you but having the CEO step down seems like the most drastic step you could possibly take for taking over and running the company. But thats just me. Followed by that Obama stated that if Chrysler did not take the FIAT partial buyout that they would not receive any more bailout funds. Please feel free to share your opinions on this or any subject.